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About us

   ORNABİ Company was first founded in 2003 in Moscow-Russia.The ORNABİ company, has cooperation work with the Russian company, also continues its cooperation with the companies of Georgia and Azerbaijan and with the companies in countries of CIS.
   The goal of ORNABİ company is to provide its consumers with clean, healthy and undamaged, high quality Halal products.
   ORNABİ Company  cooperates with world markets such as Turkish brands, including "Super Fresh" frozen products, "Kemal Kükrer" vinegar and a wide selection of sour cream, "Inci" spices, condiments, "Bahçivan" partner for dairy products, " Aytac "a partner in meat products.
   ORNABİ Company is a young dynamically developing company in the field of food products and natural drinks.

Aytaç Gıda, 1993 yılında kurulmuş, 2013 yılı sonunda Yıldız Holding bünyesine geçmiştir. Çankırı iline bağlı Çerkeş ilçesinde, 852.000 metrekarelik alan üzerine kurulu 7 ayrı işletmede üretim yapılmaktadır. Dünyanın en büyük entegre yatırımlarından biri olan Aytaç Tesisleri, günde 750 büyükbaş, 2.500 küçükbaş hayvan kesebilme ve 60.000 ton/yıl hayvan işleme kapasitesine sahip, günümüzün en gelişmiş gıda teknolojisiyle donatılmış tesis olma özelliğini taşımaktadır. Aytaç tesislerinde besicilikten, hazır paket et ve et ürünlerinin üretimine ve sevkiyatına kadar tüm işlemler bilgisayar kontrolünde gerçekleştirilmektedir.

Was a meeting with leaders of the "BAHÇIVAN". They discussed plans for future development and prospects in the Azerbaijan market and development. Guests arrived in Baku for the first time and were satisfied.

"BAHÇIVAN" - leader in the dairy products and cheese.Cheese is a staple food, which directly affect people's health. in treatment stage is pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk, depending on the type of cheese undergoes treatment process, to make the best cheese that you could try.

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